Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Western Movie Stagecoach and The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Western Movie Stagecoach and The Good, The Bad and The Ugly Presentation Western motion pictures are a classification of the film creation in America. They generally catch the foul America between its human progress and conventions. They are shot on premise of war, revelation, individual excursions and sentiment. They are the most established and most adaptable type of movies (Howard, 1996).Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on Western Movie: Stagecoach and The Good, The Bad and The Ugly explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Evolution of the western motion pictures after some time The mid twentieth century films: Stagecoach The film ‘Stagecoach’ is an American Western film delivered in 1939. It was coordinated by John Ford while the screenplay was composed by Dudley Nicholas and Ben Hecht. The screenplay was composed dependent on a short story called ‘The Stage to Lordsburg’ by Ernest Haycox. The Ford Corporation purchased the story’s rights not long after it was distributed in a magazine. The short story has been acquainted with another short story named â€Å"The Outcasts of Poker Flat†wrote by Bret Harte in 1892 (Howard 4). The film was made when the current mainstream society and class was the significant wellspring of inspiration and effect on film creation. Passage had in the prior 1900s made numerous Western motion pictures that had not become showbiz royalty. This provoked him to proceed onward to different classes where he worked for longer than 10 years, just for him to come back toward the Western films with another film, Stagecoach. By at that point, Western Movies were generally known as talkies or talking pictures and had quit selling with crowds discovering them unimportant. Given that, Ford thought that it was difficult to get a maker to chip away at Stagecoach, since they guaranteed that Western had now become low financial plan, and were much progressively reluctant in light of the fact that Ford was going to utilize a disliked individual as a significant cast (Howard 9). One maker anyway in the long run consented to subsidize The Stagecoach film that has come to be alluded as the film that brought a rebound for the American Western movies and where entertainers were at last mixed with the class. The film is straightforward in the entirety of its angles and formal. The film needs clearness on fundamental characters and rather equivalent consideration is given to all the throws. This is credited to Ford’s goal to even out the general public somehow or another when there was an across the country budgetary emergency that the legislature was attempting to put leveled out (Howard 11). He has given the whore a major heart and the wayward escapee from prison that improved to a decent man.Advertising Looking for article on craftsmanship and structure? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More On the other hand the individuals saw as great from the societyâ₠¬â„¢s point of view like the alcoholic specialist and the broker who is a criminal are uncovered. Passage simply like the motion pictures of its age would order has spoken to a run of the mill network in his cast of the Stagecoach film. The film is in highly contrasting where he has adjusted some genuine exciting and hazardous scenes maybe in light of the fact that innovation in film making was all the while sprouting. The arrangement of the story and the characters unfurl very quickly and the greater part of the on-screen characters exaggerate, maybe on the grounds that exaggerating was the pattern around then. While Dallas was a whore it has just been implied, as times would not consider her to out appropriately be alluded to as so. Individuals were saved at that point and anything that appeared to be disgusting or vulgar was unsuitable (Howard 13). The Stagecoach film has been alluded to as the most powerful Western film and has been saved by the United States. More credit is bec ause of Ford for having taken the principal picture of Uttah with the dark horizon and unpaved streets at the fringe of Arizona. Post World war Movies: The High Noon High Noon is an American Western movie that was coordinated by Fred Zinnemann in 1952 with Foreman as the scriptwriter (Roberts 5). The film has a straightforward plot with a touch of turns to a great extent. Basically, it recounts to the account of a Marshall who makes plans to confront a convict he had before brought to book when he comes back to town to vindicate by executing him. The story takes the crowd through a delayed storyline that needs content. This is very much delineated when the Marshall goes all around the town requesting that the neighborhood individuals assist him with confronting their adversary, even in the congregation that takes a major lump of time of the film. The greater part of them are reluctant to help, with others in any event, wishing him dead. One man anyway underpins his thought however i s excessively old and encourages him to escape. The majority of his different companions even desert him maybe in view of the dread of the non socialist guidelines that were there around then in America (Roberts 12). One of Foreman’s friend brought up that there were likenesses between his blueprint and the short story The Tin Star created by John W. Cunningham which provoked Foreman to purchase the rights to the story so he would continue to make the film. In contrast to Stagecoach, Highnoon screenplay entwines a few stories with a rise of the great and the awful topic. More cash has likewise been put resources into it however so are the benefits higher (Roberts 7). At this point, the film creation industry apparently has developed from oversimplified foundations like a portrayal of a network to all the more continuous issues like politics.Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on Western Movie: Stagecoach and The Good, The Bad and The Ugly explicitly for you f or just $16.05 $11/page Learn More From the content essayist, the story speaks to animosity in America that is told in the film at the most fitting time. This is genuine given the film was delivered during the Korean War and this would land the chief on an inappropriate side of the law which would prompt his boycotting. The film slants more into an ethical plan and the crowd can really feel the dread and strain with the characters. Over that the crowd can interface their social convictions or absence of them to the film. For instance, the Soviet Union asserted that the film maintains independence while others said there was nothing Western about it. The film does not have a decent develop that finishes to a fairly confounded consummation. It has an excessive amount of flare however nothing comes out of it, as the activity stuffed story doesn't merit such a low tone finishing (Roberts 4). Late twentieth century films: The Good, the awful and the revolting The Good, the Bad and the Ug ly is a Western epic that was shot in 1966 and coordinated by Sergio Leone. Since its starting point was Spanish and Italian, pundits started to allude to it as the epic Spaghetti Western as a method of disparaging the team (Thompson 23). It is an anecdote about a taken cashbox containing $200,000 in gold that sends two hoodlums and one outsider looking. Their hunt is definitely not a smooth street given the gunfights, individuals being hanged, and the camps amidst the American Civil War. It is a progressively reasonable film that despite everything has the profound quality subject yet now in an increasingly down to earth way. The story is based upon the idea Leone needed to delineate that is the seriousness of war and that it isn't essential in any case. He says that in war, just the terrible things are told while the great ones are attached away. This is unmistakably appeared in the film, that malicious pays however just in the short run, while doing great doesn't generally pay. T he film has various throws some who are supporting cast, while most are additional items. The Spanish government upheld them in any event, giving their own military, yet this was basically in light of the fact that their work was Western and not Spaniard. Whichever way we start to see the administration contributing emphatically to film creation. In the film, the cinematographer gave more consideration to lighting, and Leone acquired music that described the disposition of different scenes and scenes. The film is additionally sensational where it should be and additional time was spent recorded as a hard copy and shooting it than in the Stagecoach and Highnoon. While the film was a triumph, the team endeavored to make it a triumph while the cast took a chance with their lives various occasions in light of the fact that even explosives were utilized. The other extraordinary confinement of the film was the poor synchronization because of utilization of synchronized sound. The degree o f English is additionally poor, with certain pundits saying the chief new almost no English himself and that he focused more on activity than dialogue.Advertising Searching for paper on workmanship and plan? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More The motivation behind why Leone recorded all the exchange in the wake of acting isn't clear. The creation of this film carried a fresh start to Western shooting. With this film, we could state that it was a notable accomplishment where life was totally engraved in film creation. While the film is genuinely long it is point by point and draws out the pith of anticipation. The chief can expose the genuine characters of the cast in a wound and erratic way which brings the message nearer home that individuals are not what you see. The film can collaborate with the crowd through feelings and partner with a world that isn't comfortable. Maybe as a result of the time setting, the film has been evaluated as grown-up material. This film brought a time where motion pictures would be delegated grown-up content contingent upon the scenes and content. It includes scenes of murdering and swearing, something that would not have been satisfactory to before social orders. Shamelessness like voracity, prostitution and envy is put increasingly open. The film appears to incline toward the idea that reproving fiendishness over great is to a greater extent a weakness demonstration than an honorable one. The film would shape a reason for all the stories that came. It has been alluded as the best coordinated film of the only remaining century and the best accomplishment throughout the entire existence of film. Proof of Historical consistency in the development of western films From the revi
Saturday, August 22, 2020
International Marketing A Case Study of Harvey Nichols - Sample
Question: ScenarioHarvey Nichols as of late declared it will be opening another store in organization with Qatari business gathering, Saleh Al Hamad Al Mana, in the Doha Festival City shopping territory. This will be Harvey Nichols eighth global store. (Mintel 9.12.14) As an advertising expert for Harvey Nichols, you have been approached to compose a report on the proposed global promoting improvement for the organization and suggest the market for their ninth universal store.Based on your basic examination of the organization and its showcasing condition, survey the key alternatives accessible for Harvey Nichols to additionally build up its worldwide nearness. Suggest with support Harvey Nichols procedure for universal development, distinguishing and suggesting the market for its ninth global store. Likewise talk about proper market section modes and the advertising blend for the proposed market.International Marketing Strategy ReportThis ought to include: rundown circumstance investigation assessing key parts of the promoting condition review fundamentally examine Harvey Nichols vital alternatives for universal development and cause key suggestions for its future worldwide development to assess showcase potential and suggest its next global marke t and proposed passage technique for its ninth store layout the suggested promoting blend for the proposed showcase, guaranteeing its pertinence to the intended interest group. Answer: Presentation: Zhong (2013) opined that overall promoting is only the development of the exchange past the domain of a country. Then again, Zou and Swan caused a considerable contention in such manner by expressing that there is to meet among the universal showcasing and the worldwide promoting of the a business. Both of the announcement mirrors a comparative sort of feeling according to lessening the blockades of the countries in the universal commercial center. With the help of different methods and instruments of Harvey Nichols, this task is concentrating upon the circumstance s corresponding to worldwide advertising. During the time of 1831, in London, Harvey Nichols has begun its excursion for the principal event. The operational structure of the business enterprise was essentially relied on the chain of departmental stores by that the organization used to sell shoes, pieces of clothing and some different items too. This association has opened various departmental stores all through the region of different countries inside the locale of Arab and UK. The ninth global departmental store will be propelled by the organization in coming progression. Circumstance examination of Harvey Nichols: Outside Analysis: PESTEL Analysis: Political: In the time of contemporary political environmental factors, Harvey Nichols consistently and effectively surveyed the states of impact comparable to different government factors in comprising with the legitimate arrangements identifying with the departmental stores (Blythman, 2013). Conservative: It has been opined by Czinkota and Sutton-Brady (2014) for the achievement and for the disappointment of an association, the rolem of the economy is the most huge one. Inside the domain of state and national level the exhibition of Harvey Nichols was considerable. As a result of the increase of procuring income, the association effectively figure out how to make great figures of benefit in the current monetary years. Social: In agreement to the assessment of Cateora, Gilly and Graham (2011) with the end goal of effective activity of a business, cultural component is the most critical thing that makes the picture of the brand, picture of the items in showcase, distinguishing the decision of the clients, request and different necessities. Mechanical: For the motivation behind keeping up stock and encouraging the surge of affirmation, the association executed different PC based innovations, for example, POS (Point of Sale) alongside the cultural media systems. Ecological: Harvey Nichols trusts in great act of business by which supportability of condition can be accomplished. Legitimate: The Company is consolidated with all the obligatory legal and procedural laws of the country, essentially law of agreements, shopper law, wellbeing and security guidelines and so forth. Five powers investigation: Bartering forces of the clients (low): The significant number of clients of Harvey Nichols is people; it is directing its business in the commercial center with assorted circumstance, thus, the clients having an elevated level of haggling power (Ellis-Chadwick, 2011). Haggling forces of the providers (low) In view of baseless convey of crude materials, changing costs starting with one provider then onto the next provider is extremely less. Besides, providers of Harvey Nichols conveyed gigantic number of products to Harvey Nichols. Dangers from substitute (High) The significant explanation for the opposition in the commercial center is the cost and nature of the elective items. The exhibitions of the elective items are practically comparable sort of to the results of Harvey Nichols yet the because of the low cost of those items, the odds of exchanging of clients to that substitutes are very high (Erratum, 2008). Potential Entrants (medium-high) Created advertise requires high measure of capital. In the vast majority of the business sectors of the world, clients are quick to items with law cost and with a standard quality. During the development of the market in different countries precise circulation approach must be presents in the business procedures. Dangers from contention (high) Harvey Nichols battled from the difficulties and rivalry from its primer rivals like House of Fraser Ltd, Selfridges retailer ltd, Harrods holding ltd, and so on (Fragasso, 2008). Outer Analysis: Worth chain investigation: Worth chain examination model Strong exercises: General administration: Harvey Nichols was included with a brought together working framework to work the matter of all the departmental stores of the organization (Harold and Harold, 2008). Human asset the board: comparable to persuade the workers and to direct normal association among the staffs, human asset assumes the most huge job. Enlistment of gifted and productive workers in the organization is likewise vested inside the circle of human asset division of that organization. Mechanical office: For the reason for acquiring advantage in the opposition advertise the organization has executed some observable innovative choices, similar to presentation of retail location and satellite framework. Obtainment: For the motivation behind empowering on the web buy by the clients, Harvey Nichols presented the procedure of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) in the acquisition arrangement of the organization. Other than that, the organization manages the fabricates straightforwardly without the obstruction of any outsider (Jolivot, 2008). Essential exercises: Inbound coordinations: For the motivation behind offering improved assistance to the clients and to pull in more clients, the arrangement of e-obtainment has been presented by Harvey Nichols, as VMI (Vendor the executives stock), EDI and so on. The organization is it continually improving the inbound procedure (Kerin, 2006). Outbound strategic: The Company has built up eight departmental stores and furthermore improved the business all through the domain of Dubai. In any case, Harvey Nichols has presented the arrangement of talked circulation during the time spent outbound coordinations of the organization. Activities: The organization manages two sort of operational techniques, the first is from the stores at different areas and the subsequent one is by method of online buy office in the own entry of the organization (Makandar, 2014). Administration: The administration of the organization makes it better over its rivals in the market. Harvey Nichols assurances to item fulfillment of the clients and if there should arise an occurrence of any broken items the clients can transform it inside recommended time. Showcasing and Sales: For the motivation behind expanding the selling figures of the merchandise the organization, aside from normal ad, additionally exhibits the items in different internet based life locales like Facebook, Twitter and so on. The organization additionally gives data of their recently propelled items in various web based shopping locales like Amazon, Snapdeal and so forth (Mayrhofer, 2012). SWOT investigation: Choices Depiction Qualities Customers are very given towards the enterprise on account of better greatness products. In the commercial center of style, Harvey Nichols has brilliant and acknowledged brand picture. Fairness of brand name is unfathomably useful for Harvey Nichols. Shortcoming Items with low different are the fundamental shortcoming of the association. Not at all like the elective items the organization has not given the most recent plan. The organization is utilizing old techniques comparable to promotion. Openings Presenting on the web buy framework offered lift to the organization and it additionally helped the current clients of the organization, it made the shopping extremely simple for the clients. Dangers The primary dangers of the organization are the contenders and the substitute items accessible in the market. Present monetary downturn all through the world is likewise a disturbing element for the matter of the organization. The extension of Harvey Nichols is very delayed than different organizations. Significant issues of Harvey Nichols (TOWS Matrix): The major and first hindrances of Harvey Nichols that has been recognized during the circumstance examination are the elective items and the contenders. In the commercial center of design, the organization has earned a decent notoriety and set up a brand estimation of their items. By and by, due to keeping up great quality in the results of the organization, Harvey Nichols needs to put on adversary deal exceptionally cost items. Be that as it may, contenders of the organization, for example, Harrods holding ltd, House of Fraser ltd offers most recent structure items with ease in
Friday, August 21, 2020
Aristotle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Aristotle - Essay Example Especially, they figured in region of expository thinking and request. Epagoge, in Aristotle’s hypothetical request, is the inductive methodology, which prompts the foundation of logical first standards just as a definite system that takes care of issues experienced in transit toward standards by deriving their right answers from these standards once they are found.1 Then again, Aristotle regarded nous as entirely yet possibly all the things we can know. 2 Its criticalness in the logical system and relationship with epagoge is secured on its natural job. Nous can look at or work through decisions by the mix or partition of ideas. The securing of handy first standards - good just as specialized †is crafted by reason, yet not of rambling explanation; it is crafted by nous†¦ Nous is essentially that human workforce that empowers us to cognize universals based on our sense-discernments and experience; epagoge is the working of that personnel. (204) It is useful, in seeing how nous and epagoge work and capacity, to recall that for Aristotle, all information originates from previous information. He drew a differentiation among information and the prior information †those that are comprehensible without capability. Prior information is the result of sense observation while information is gained from the primary rules that were a result of acceptance (epagoge). (50) And in this way, Aristotle edified us that the procedure begins from our tactile experiences with singular material things and these experiences give the premise of our scholarly decisions, which is the epagoge. The end result of this procedure is that we are taken past the simple unexpected observational speculation of realities. This Aristotelian system, composes Newton-Smith, brings about the transmission of â€Å"the characteristic need of the premises to the ends, along these lines guaranteeing that the whole collection of logical
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
College Essay Samples: Tips For Getting Accepted Into Colleges
College Essay Samples: Tips For Getting Accepted Into CollegesIt is a fact that colleges and universities are coming out with applications for college essay samples, which is basically an article written by the student to get him started in his admission process. There are several tips to help you in finding the best college essay samples, and here we are going to discuss some of the strategies which will help you in finding the right ones. To start off, if you want to know what types of college essays are available, the first one that comes to mind is a college essays sample.The question why the need of such a thing is actually explained by the student needs an answer. There are various reasons that led him to search for a particular type of college essay. One of the main reasons is that it is in his interest to write an essay for admission. He must write the essay in order to have better chances of getting into a particular college, and a college essay with positive results for him will surely help him get accepted into the particular college.Thus, the student needs to have the necessary skills and talent for writing a college essay. Therefore, he will need to take up various types of college essay samples in order to learn from his mistakes. Once the student writes his first essay and gets accepted into the particular college, then the next step will be to practice writing the essay and improve his skills.Now, let us understand the different types of college essay samples which are available in the market. There are a number of different sample types, which include application, personal statement, thesis or research paper and dissertations. These sample types are prepared by different research institutes and colleges and used by them in order to promote their students in getting admission.The other type of sample, which is available is a personal statement. Students are supposed to write a personal statement to address his motivation, abilities, experiences and character as they state in his own words.Another type of college essay samples is a thesis or research paper. The focus of the thesis is to analyze a certain subject and present the reason why the matter should be studied, or it is to point out some flaws in a particular subject. In a research paper, students are supposed to do a research on the topic for which the essay is being written.College essay samples are the most important things that can help the student get into a particular college. However, it is important to note that in order to get the best out of the samples, one has to spend more time in writing the essay, and study the strengths and weaknesses of the subject. The better the essay, the better your chances are in getting accepted into the particular college.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Sample Resume Peptide Bonds Essay - 1166 Words
Amanda Sledge Dr.Draughon Bio 111 14 February 2016 Testing for Peptide Bonds in Solutions Water using Biuret Reagent Abstract This experiment was performed to test an albumin solution, gelatin solution, glucose solution, water and an unknown solution for the presence of peptide bonds resulting in proteins through the use of biuret solution. 5mL of each solution was distributed individually to an assigned test tube to which the biuret solution was added. Ultimately the albumin and gelatin solution were found to contain proteins due to the change color to a violet color after the addition of the biuret solution and the glucose solution, water and the unknown solution did not contain peptide bonds because they remained blue after the addition of biuret solution. From this experiment it can be shown that the unknown solution does not contain protein. Introduction This lab was performed to test multiple solutions for peptide bonds signaling the presence of proteins in solutions with the use of biuret solution. The Environmental Encyclopedia defines a peptide as â€Å"A chemical compound consisting of two or more amino acids joined to each other through a bond between the nitrogen atom of one amino acid to an oxygen atom of an adjacent amino acid (â€Å"Peptides†,2011). Merriam Webster dictionary defines a protein as â€Å"any of various naturally occurring extremely complex substances that consist of amino-acid residues joined by peptide bonds, contain the elements carbon,Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Adipose Derived Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells4532 Words  | 19 PagesiPSC’s that have differentiated into pancreatic ÃŽ ²-cells will be comparable profile to murine and human pancreatic ÃŽ ²-cell controls. Hypothesis 4: After high passage iPSC’s have been differentiated into pancreatic ÃŽ ²-cells, they will express PDX1 and C-peptide at similar levels to the human and murine pancreatic ÃŽ ²-cell control cell lines. Significance Benefits To better understand the role of miRNA’s, epigenesis and differentiation in iPSC reprogramming. To identifying key miRNA’s involved in differentiationRead More The Origin, Etiology and Treatment of Syphilis Essay examples5684 Words  | 23 Pageswere actually screwing their way through the medium. According to his research, a treponeme may curve slowly or quickly, forming small or large arcs of circles, or it may bend so sharply in the middle as to form a right angle and then rather quickly resume its original straight corkscrew shape. 7 The axial filament is an internal flagella found only in the spirochetes. Axial filaments are composed of from 2 to over 100 axial fibrils (or endoflagella) that extend from both ends of the bacterium betweenRead MoreRna Interference Regulates Gene Expression9725 Words  | 39 PagesRNaseIII domains lead to an unparalleled scission that generates a 2 nt 3’ overhang as a characteristic â€Å"signature†of Dicer procession. The active center of RNase III is comprised of 3-4 acidic residues and two Mg2+ ions coordinated by phosphodiester bonds (Figure. 2b)(Denli et al. 2004; Macrae et al. 2006; Park et al. 2011). The N-terminal superfamily 2 helicase domain was originally implicated in unwinding complicated RNA substrates (Zou et al. 2009). New evidence suggests that the DExD/H and helicase
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Approval, An Action That Is Important Today s Society Essay
Approval, an action that is very important in today’s society even back then. When a person joins a group, club, or comes together in a relationship with someone, they first need the endorsement of the person or people. Approval is something I struggled to get when I first joined MCJROTC. The acceptance into that group was hard to get because of the requirements the people had made there on their own. First, there was an abundant amount of recommendations and asking for me to join the Physical Training team of the MCJROTC. My friend’s requests were like the hypnotizing eyes of Kaa the python from â€Å"The Jungle Book†film just asking for attention. After a while I finally convinced myself to go through with it. Once I got there I felt like the ugly duckling of the group. I didn’t have all green which made me stand out like a stain on a white shirt. I felt out of place without having anyone to communicate with. I just hoping someone would talk with me. T hat whole day I received many faces just saying â€Å"Who in the world are you?†As days progressed the PT team members opened up themselves more to me. After a whole semester I felt accepted towards some of the members, but to me it felt like a huge step. However, in the first semester there was a group that I still did not feel accepted by them, that group was the Advanced team or as they call themselves the Elites. They seemed to be the kings of all the PT team; everyone would bow as they stood to see us exercise. Everyone wasShow MoreRelatedSir Robert Peel : Moral And An Effective Police Drive1167 Words  | 5 Pagesand used today. Peel’s principles are relevant today as well because they give officers General Instructions to every single officer experienced or not experienced. It is like a set of ground for an officer that they must follow. The Principles of Sir Robert Peel, abridge the thoughts and ideas that Sir Robert Peel created to characterize a moral police constrain. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Critical Disscussion Of Scient Essay Example For Students
Critical Disscussion Of Scient Essay Critically Discuss the Use of the Scientific Method in Psychology This essay examines the advantages and disadvantages of using a method primarily for gathering research on human subjects that can be examined for later use. It will give a basic outline of the methods of investigation, their uses and their suitability. I will also look at the scientific method as a whole and examine the criticisms of this method using the writings of Hume and Popper. The first method I will look at is the rt method which is built upon collected data from surveys etc. Its main plus points being that it uses a much larger sample than the other methods because it takes less time to collate the results. It is also useful because it allows for further research to be added it can be updated. There are a number of problems with this. The subjects may not feel comfortable and could answer just to please the experimenter. A big problem with the method is that it does not give enough range for the subject. The y are restricted within the boundaries of the tick boxes. The researcher can only learn so much. The laboratory experiment gives the experimenter a greater chance to control the conditions and enables you to measure behaviour with greater precision. This method also allows for quantative research and also enables greater control of variables. Although it gives the experimenter greater control, this can also seem daunting to the subject who may feel more uncomfortable and is less likely to give an natural reaction or answer. This type of research also relies on strict controlled conditions so that the experimenter can in no way affect the test or experiment. The field experiment is similar to the laboratory experiment in the way that an independent variable is manipulated but the methods differ because the field experiment tries to simulate the real life scenario more effectively. It is seen as a more valid real-life situation. The participant is unaware of the experiment and so the results are unaffected by bias. This method does not give the experimenter enough control over the independent variable being tested so examination and comparison of the results is difficult. There are ethical issues to be looked at as well because of the participants ignorance of what is taking place. For these reasons the experiment will also be difficult to replicate. The natural experiment is seen by some as a non-experiment. It does not test an independent variable but rather analyses the variables on offer. This has the highest level of ecological validity because there are no test conditions as such. Though there are many good and bad aspects of the scientific method, there is an underlying fault with all of them. The scientific method in psychology relies on empiricism. Empiricism is a view that all knowledge is derived from experience. The scientific method can ultimately be split into two attitudes. The first is the dogmatic attitude. Dogmatism is the wish to impose regularities on the basis that repetition of regularly occurring events mean that a belief in the truth of something proves that is correct. It relies on the view that you can confirm a belief by testing it. It is the product of an inductive method. It assumes that conclusions can be justified because you can repeatedly produce the same results. The critical attitude is that you can add to your belief and make it stronger through testing. Humes theory states the strength of a belief should be a product of repetition The critical attitude a method is a way of trying to establish a belief rather than trying to prove its genuineness. Popper believed then that the critical attitude is identified with the scientific attitude and that the dogmatic attitude is associated with the pseudo-scientific. Yet Popper goes further to criticise both the methods of deduction and induction. He points out The demand for rational proofs in science indicates a failure to keep distinct the broad realm of rationality and the narrow realm of certainty: it is untenable, an unreasonable demand. In fact nothing can be proved or disproved (outside of maths and logic). This is then the most important fault in the scientific method. For the scientific method to be used, then it must rely on assuming a number of things are true which are not testable within the system. They are only true to the extent that, for example, we think we have included al l the relevant variables when conducting a psychological experiment. However, this is an assumption because we have no way of knowing whether all the relevant variables have in fact been taken into consideration.
Thursday, April 16, 2020
Racism Essays (640 words) - Racism, Discrimination,
Racism The Aryan Nations. The American Nazi Party. What are these groups? Why are they present in a land of supposed equality of all men? They are there because there are millions of Americans that believe in their message of white pride. The African American population is growing and Americans are now a mixed group of people. Black people are white people's neighbours, doctors, friends. With a growing unity between the two races, why does racism continue? The answer is simple. Racists from many years ago raise their kids in clans and white supremacy groups and teach them the ways of hatred. These kids grow up "brain-washed" that black people are their enemies and, taught by example, will continue this trend (The Volume Library; 1988). The Ku Klux Klan has been around since the end of the civil war. It is a roller coaster of a history. From extreme power, to rapid decline, and slow reemergence (Software Toolworks Encyclopedia; 1992). The clan, who is notorious for its violence, has a relatively innocent beginning. It was formed from some veterans from the confederate army and was first called the Kuklos Clan which, in Greek, meant Circle Clan. One person thought it would be a good idea to call it the "Ku Klux Klan" as a parody of the fraternity names which always had three Greek alphabet letters in it. They created the Clan to be mischievous and to do it without anyone knowing who they were which accounts for their costumes and masks. They, like most whites, were upset that the black people were free because black people were a constant reminder of the bitter defeat of the South. So to have fun they terrorized black people. Eventually the group grew, fluctuating, but grew to become the first white supremacy group in America and with that growth, their hatred grew as well into what was seen in the early and middle 1900's and what is seen today. Along with the KKK, other anti-black, pro-white groups formed and stemmed out all over the U.S.A. The Neo Nazis who are more commonly know by the term "Skin Heads", are a growing force in hate groups. There hatred of Hispanics, Jews, Blacks, and others are now the fastest growing force in America. The Skin Head movement is usually done by the younger kids. These kids are drawn to the Aryan Nations and Neo Nazis by the promise of free drugs, free booze, heavy metal music, ultimate freedom and rebellion. A lot of these kids stay because of family troubles at home and, like in a gang, feel like they have a family with the group and feel loved. "The skinheads are a family... A lot of us don't have what you'd call a home" commented Joshua, who is a 16 year old recruiter in California (United They Hate; Michael Kronenwetter). The race war was in full force by the 1960's. With the growth of white supremacy and their groups, black too had a weapon. Martin Luther King Jr. lead his people to march in Washington to end segregation and to form black unity for an equal and better America. Malcolm X, who was a Muslim, may have come from a different religion than his Christian counterpart, but had a very similar message and a similar fate. Both were assassinated. Today the hate groups of America have spread into Canada and are particularly common in Manitoba. The major sects are of the same name as their American cousins with a very similar message. Racism, despite much opposition, will never end. As long as there is fighting among a Jew and a Palestinian or hatred between a white and a black, Racism will be there. Only a utopian society can achieve such a dream. It is in human nature to have a few people that do not understand or possibly hate those who are different but, in fact, we are not different, we are judgmental and we are discriminatory, we segregate. We are unique individuals but among races we are equal and the same.
Friday, March 13, 2020
Free Essays on Vernon God Little
Fiction Meets Reality In the novel Vernon God Little by DBC Pierre, the main character Vernon Little is a fifteen year old boy who is the prime suspect in a school shooting. While the novel and the characters are purely fictional, Vernon can easily be interpreted as a real person. The mindset of Vernon and the events that he experiences make him a real life character and in doing so, the book seems more realistic and therefore less fictional. Vernon’s views on fate, his mindset, and the problems he encounters all contribute to his real life quality. One aspect of Vernon that makes him appear as a real life person is that like everyone in the world, he has problems. It can be argued that many characters in different novels have problems as well, but what makes Vernon stand out is the fact that his problems are basic, everyday, common problems. Many times the struggles that characters face are unrealistic and ones that the readers cannot relate to. Vernon’s problems are unlike other characters’. Besides the obvious problems that Vernon is facing with the school shooting and the trial, Vernon also has everyday problems. Vernon and his mother live alone in their house. Vernon’s father, who is only mentioned a few times, is not apart of their lives. Vernon’s mother does not have a job and the family has no source of income. A boy Vernon’s age is normally expected to go to school and possibly maintain a part-time job. Vernon’s mother asks Vernon to get a job to provide income for the family. It is not normal for a fifteen year old boy to have to provide the sole income for a family. The relationship between adults and kids has always held a question of honesty. Kids, because of their age, are often times foolish and make careless choices, but it is simply apart of growing up. Adults on the other hand have much more experience due to their age and feel that they have a better grasp on the world and what go... Free Essays on Vernon God Little Free Essays on Vernon God Little Fiction Meets Reality In the novel Vernon God Little by DBC Pierre, the main character Vernon Little is a fifteen year old boy who is the prime suspect in a school shooting. While the novel and the characters are purely fictional, Vernon can easily be interpreted as a real person. The mindset of Vernon and the events that he experiences make him a real life character and in doing so, the book seems more realistic and therefore less fictional. Vernon’s views on fate, his mindset, and the problems he encounters all contribute to his real life quality. One aspect of Vernon that makes him appear as a real life person is that like everyone in the world, he has problems. It can be argued that many characters in different novels have problems as well, but what makes Vernon stand out is the fact that his problems are basic, everyday, common problems. Many times the struggles that characters face are unrealistic and ones that the readers cannot relate to. Vernon’s problems are unlike other characters’. Besides the obvious problems that Vernon is facing with the school shooting and the trial, Vernon also has everyday problems. Vernon and his mother live alone in their house. Vernon’s father, who is only mentioned a few times, is not apart of their lives. Vernon’s mother does not have a job and the family has no source of income. A boy Vernon’s age is normally expected to go to school and possibly maintain a part-time job. Vernon’s mother asks Vernon to get a job to provide income for the family. It is not normal for a fifteen year old boy to have to provide the sole income for a family. The relationship between adults and kids has always held a question of honesty. Kids, because of their age, are often times foolish and make careless choices, but it is simply apart of growing up. Adults on the other hand have much more experience due to their age and feel that they have a better grasp on the world and what go...
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Essay One Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
One - Essay Example One can connect the relationship between faith and reason to a couple’s relationship. There would be sides of stories but for a relationship to work, one party should make an effort to recompense if both parties would want the relationship to succeed. This is very relatable to faith and reason, throughout the centuries; the worlds of religion and science have collided without any signs of slowing down. Yet both John Locke and St. Thomas Aquinas believe that faith is a kind of reason. Reading through the works of both Lock and St. Aquinas, both have seemed to suggest that faith can be considered as reason. Even for some from the religious sect, they are using faith in giving reasons as far as miracles or unexplainable occurrences (Tavani, 2-4; Nash, 58). Religion often uses the faith of their most loyal devotees in reasoning about the existence of things which are intangible and cannot be justified by any scientific methods. With such statement being said there is an aspect of religion that is also a part of a feature of science. One point that can be considered by the belief of both Locke and Aquinas is that it can also be reversible. Reason can also be a species of faith. It is not just a one-way relationship. Just what has been stated earlier, faith and reason can be compared to a relationship where one party can complement the other. One party may not always be correct but the other would complement its shortcomings to make the relationship work. Reason may not always have concrete values and scientific explanations yet people who have heard the reason could believe in it and therefore result in having faith in the reason whether or not it has intangible supporting facts which may or may not be resolved any further (Tavani, 3-5) . Locke believes that the scriptures have no role in divine right but rather deep thoughts on the absence of
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Regulatory and Economic environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Regulatory and Economic environment - Essay Example Based on the current exchange rate of RMB 8.28 yuan to one U.S. dollar, China is now the sixth largest economy in the world. Based on purchasing-power parity, it is the third largest economy after the United States and Japan. All this has taken place during a relatively short time. In fact, one can argue that true economic reform in China only started in the early 1980s.' - [M.W. LUKE CHAN, WENDY ROTENBERG] The Chinese economic environment had shown rapid progress during 1991-1997, it could be said that China experienced double digit GDP growth. However, from 1997 and so on there were economic crisis, yet, the Chinese GDP continued to grow at a rapid rate of 7.8%. Transparency and good supremacy have been the foundation issues observed in the post-crisis years, both in the circumstance of the 1997 monetary difficulties and the recent series of commercial scandals. This suits the accounting and audit profession where efforts have largely focused on "harmonizing standards" within APEC and ASEAN as well as for greater transparency and disclosure. The Chinese financial catastrophe showed that insufficient accounting practices and lack of transparency in financial information still prevail in the region. Usual accounting may no longer adequately reflect the necessary information from the position of regulatory and internal corporate control. Strengthening of accounting and auditing function to properly manage risks is one major task to make the private sector and government agencies competitive and free from corruption. In an internationalized economy, up-to-date accounting and auditing knowledge and skills are the basic institutional infrastructure for private enterprises as well as government agencies to promote good corporate governance and sound public management. The need for transparent information has been heightened, particularly in the situation of managing risks involved. Main challenges for the DMCs are to develop transparent and sound accounting practices to properly manage and regulate the private sector including banks. An overview of the economic framework in China: The economic system of China is based on the Interbank Lending Market, the negotiable instruments market and the Treasury bond repurchase market. Interbank Lending: A nationwide unified interbank lending computer network was put into operation on a trial basis on January 3, 1996. The interbank lending market was not integrated preceding this date. The establishment of unified interbank market helped in connecting all interbank markets through out the nation. Negotiable Instruments: A negotiable instruments market consists of commercial papers as their main instrument. Commercial paper activity started in China in 1981. Since 1981, commercial paper market developed gradually. The acceptance, rediscount and discount process of commercial paper has become standardized. Commercial bills are also another instrument used in China. It has increased drastically in the past few years. Also, the discount and rediscount maturities have increased rapidly providing the funding needs of the national industry development policies and credit policies to flow. Repurchase Transactions - Open Market Operations: The central bank got involved into the
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Personal Responsibility Paper Essay Example for Free
Personal Responsibility Paper Essay Personal responsibility is taking action so that one cant blame anyone but themselves, an education will help support their future because they are taking responsibility for their own actions and if one is responsible in their personal life they will be responsible in their college life. Education Supporting Ones Future Having a college education will definitely help when a person is shopping around in the job market. With the economy being in the state that it currently is in, a person without a college degree can easily be looked over when being compared to the person that does have the college degree. †Over their careers, full-time, full-year workers whose highest degree is a bachelors make 74 percent more, on average, than those whose highest attainment is a high-school diploma, the authors found. When those with more than a bachelors degree are included, the premium for higher education rises to 84 percent†(Supiano, 2011). If one is a college student that is going back after many years of working full time and taking care of a family an area that one may need to focus on for improvement might be time management. One will have to set up and follow an entirely new schedule so they can fit in their new duties as a college student. Setting clear starting and stopping times is a good planning strategy. â€Å"A variation of this technique is called time boxing. Time boxing is one way to overcome resistance to a task, focus your attention, and make a meaningful dent in large projects†(Ellis, 2011). Responsibility: Personal and College Life If one is responsible in their personal life one will be responsible in their college life. â€Å"When applied to education, personal responsibility means that students accept the responsibility to study hard and to learn as much as they can in courses that press against the limits of their capacity†(Haskins 2009). Being responsible is something one has to do in their everyday life whether it is going to work every day or taking care of their family. So if one can manage to be responsible in other aspects of their life one should be able to be a responsible student. Why Education Is Important To Ones Future The most important reason an education will help support ones future is because they are taking responsibility for their own actions. If one wants to better their life, whether it is successfully or just emotionally they are the one taking responsibility and are ultimately in control of how they handle it. Having a learning strategy will help to make your education a success. Everyone learns differently but one strategy that would be helpful to a person working through their education is metacognition: Metacognition usually deals with self-awareness of a student about his/her own capability in a particular learning area. The student evaluates his/her performance and tries to come up with better ways of learning. Self-critique, taking responsibility, personal reflection, individual monitoring, and changing study habits are some examples of metacognitive strategies. (Simsek, Balaban, 2010) The way a student could incorporate this strategy into their upcoming months would be taking responsibility and making sure friends and family know how important getting a college education is to them so they are understanding when times come up that they are not able to be around because they have responsibilities from class that may be more important. Personal reflection is another method a student could incorporate buy looking back and seeing what study methods worked best for them and their schedule. Conclusion By taking that next step to continue with education and work towards getting that college degree one is already helping to support their future. If one has been responsible in their life prior to starting their college education then one should be able to transition into their college duties with little disruption. Incorporating different learning strategies into their life will also assist with this transition to college student. References Ali Simek, Jale Balaban, Contemporary Educational Technology – Learning Strategies of Successful and Unsuccessful University Students; 2010, 1(1), p37 Ellis, D. (2011). Becoming a master student (13th ed.). Boston, MA: Wadsworth, p75 Haskins, R. (2009, July). The Sequence of Personal Responsibility [Article], Retrieved from the Brookings Institute website: Supiano, B. (2011). Whats a Degree Worth? Report Has Answers, by Major. Chronicle Of Higher Education, 57(38), A20.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Editorial - Letter to the Editor :: Editorial Newspaper Article Letter
Dear Editor, C. S. explains in his article â€Å"The Daily We,†the experiences that bring closeness in people that share a common identity. An experience that brings the knowledge of this is the recent freshman orientation that happened this past weekend. This brought closeness with all of the incoming students and warmth to be welcomed into the Dayton community. â€Å"The Daily We,†applies to this experience as a tool to understand the past weekend as complete fun. Throughout, the beautiful sunny day of August 28, upperclassmen helped new students put away their belongings. As time went on before even entering my room, I met many new faces and met many new friends. All day the upperclassmen sold t-shirts, lemonade and drinks and other memorabilia in front of the three freshman dorms. Rudy’s Fly Buy, a student store was right in front of Marycrest selling memorabilia. The day was very much complete. By midday I was very much packed into the room. After meeting my roommate, a friend who I met over summer classes, I knew right away this was going to be great year. All day, the experience was fun and exciting. Using the new student’s orientation as an example to â€Å"The Daily We,†I figured that it made the most sense to the closeness of people coming together as one. The first day will remain a memory in my mind. When I was apart of the orientation, the excitement grew, I felt happy, and the impact became a big part of my college experience. The first thoughts that came across my mind when I entered my room was this is my home for the next nine months, I am going to be sharing the bathroom with my whole wing, I am independent, and I am going to not have people telling me, â€Å"You have this due when?†or â€Å"You have to go to class?†This decision is your own. Your parents are not with you. You don’t have your dad or mom looking over your shoulder. Editorial - Letter to the Editor :: Editorial Newspaper Article Letter Dear Editor, C. S. explains in his article â€Å"The Daily We,†the experiences that bring closeness in people that share a common identity. An experience that brings the knowledge of this is the recent freshman orientation that happened this past weekend. This brought closeness with all of the incoming students and warmth to be welcomed into the Dayton community. â€Å"The Daily We,†applies to this experience as a tool to understand the past weekend as complete fun. Throughout, the beautiful sunny day of August 28, upperclassmen helped new students put away their belongings. As time went on before even entering my room, I met many new faces and met many new friends. All day the upperclassmen sold t-shirts, lemonade and drinks and other memorabilia in front of the three freshman dorms. Rudy’s Fly Buy, a student store was right in front of Marycrest selling memorabilia. The day was very much complete. By midday I was very much packed into the room. After meeting my roommate, a friend who I met over summer classes, I knew right away this was going to be great year. All day, the experience was fun and exciting. Using the new student’s orientation as an example to â€Å"The Daily We,†I figured that it made the most sense to the closeness of people coming together as one. The first day will remain a memory in my mind. When I was apart of the orientation, the excitement grew, I felt happy, and the impact became a big part of my college experience. The first thoughts that came across my mind when I entered my room was this is my home for the next nine months, I am going to be sharing the bathroom with my whole wing, I am independent, and I am going to not have people telling me, â€Å"You have this due when?†or â€Å"You have to go to class?†This decision is your own. Your parents are not with you. You don’t have your dad or mom looking over your shoulder.
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Beauty: Beheld in the Eyes of Society Essay
There is an old saying that â€Å"beauty is in the eye of the beholder.†However, there are definite social concepts of physical beauty. Most of the time, people associate beauty with something that is seen, instead of tasted, or smelt. Therefore, a more precise definition of beauty would sound like, beauty is the quality or set of qualities that give pleasure to eyesight. Many things may not be as beautiful to one person as they are to someone else; people have many different outlooks on what beauty really is. Females in particular have historically faced pressure to conform to a particular standard of beauty. The media presents society with unrealistic body types promoting people, especially women, to look like them. The desire to be beautiful has received more attention by blinding the public with images of the â€Å"beautiful people.†The extent of the message the media portrays to our society is more harmful than beneficial to the average person. Many people will s ay that â€Å"beauty is in the eye of the beholder,†however society has a great impact on today’s standards of beauty. Beauty is a collectively undecided conception, which implies that each individual may interpret the idea of beauty based on his/her own biased opinion. Humans appreciate beauty in many different ways. Some consider beauty to be seen through nature, others may see beauty in the ancient Grecian statue of the Venus De Milo. Someone, or something, that one finds beautiful another person may not. Beauty is something subjective. It has various meanings to different people because no one person is the same and their standards and tastes differ as well. In her essay Perceptions of Female Beauty in the 20th Century, Louise Wood references the great German philosopher Immanuel Kant by saying; â€Å"the judgment of beauty is different from cognitive or moral judgment because it is affected subjectively, that is, exclusively in reference to the person making the judgment. For a judgment to be truly â€Å"aesthetic†, rather than merely idiosyncratic, the person making the judgment must be adamant that their opinion be consensus.†In simpler terms, Wood is saying that, one’s perception of beauty is different from their mental or moral perception because, it is based on emotion instead of reasoning. This statement is what has lead to the many different interpretations of what true beauty is. Since there are many conflicting views, the true meaning of it has been lost and therefore skewed by the opinions of others, and in some cases for the worse. Cultural standards have led to perceptions of beauty or the lack of beauty for as long as the human race has existed. Culture is defined simply as a way of life, or how people do things such as, how they eat, celebrate festivities, their behavior, their attitudes, moral values, and religion. People will tend to look at their own natives in their culture as beautiful because their notion of beauty may be different than another culture’s perception of what is beautiful. In some African countries, a big body and big buttocks would be considered beautiful for women. In western countries however, there is a tendency for women to starve themselves to comply with the misconception that being extremely thin or slim is beautiful. Many people might share the opinion that the standard idea of beauty includes being tall, thin, and light skinned, but this mindset might not fit everyone’s standard of beauty. Paul Ford states in his article Beauty in Different Cultures that: In Nigeria, women are encouraged to be more full-figured as it demonstrates fertility and the ability to carry and birth many babies. In some Southeast Asian cultures, wherein war resulted in a lack of food, a more full-figured woman demonstrates a higher social status. Being thicker in frame can boast of being well fed and healthy. In these ways, beauty implies superiority and cultural status. However, standards of beauty depend upon the social conditions of the times in which one lives. Still, different cultural groups think, feel, and act differently. There is no right or wrong standard for considering one group’s idea of beauty to be superior or inferior to another. Either way, the essence of beauty is pervasive throughout the many distinct communities around the world. The majority of this eras perception of beauty is spread throughout the media. Since the beginning of â€Å"The Age of Media†media has both empowered and limited woman. The media constantly alters how individuals view themselves and others. In the Social Psychology Quarterly volume 62 it states, â€Å"With their power to frame, define, and neglect aspects of the social world, the mass media are a principal social and cultural institution†(Milkie 191). It has been proven that media images do have a powerful effect on young women today, due to the extensive reinforcement on our everyday lives. Milkie states in her article that; â€Å"The central position of the media in everyday life ensures that symbols distributed through the media become points of focus and interaction in the population†(191). Television, magazines, and advertisements are the most common medium for which these standards are displayed. A person cannot escape these magazine covers, constant adv ertisements, or the entire entertainment industry in general. All aspects of the entertainment industry overwhelm today’s society and are highly responsible for its changing perceptions and trends. Images of female bodies are everywhere. Women and their body parts sell everything from food to cars. Popular film and television actresses are becoming younger, taller and thinner. These media outlets are all setting standards of beauty that are not only unrealistic but could prove to be dangerous in an effort to be attained. In Frank Biocca and Philip Meyer’s article in the Journal of Communication, they listed that â€Å"When Glamour magazine surveyed its readers in 1984, 75% felt too heavy and only 15% felt just right. Nearly half of those who were underweight reported feeling too fat and wanting to diet. Among a sample of college women, 40% felt overweight, while only 12% were actually too heavy†(125). This article also reported that women’s magazines have ten and one-half times more ads and articles promoting weight loss than men’s magazines do, and over three-quarters of the covers of women’s magazines include at least one message about how to change a woman’s bodily appearance by diet, exercise or cosmetic surgery (125). While television can be said to reflect the standard of beauty for women, it seems to portray them in a light of approval or disapproval, positive or negative, that affect women’s views on how they should look. It is clear that throughout history, the role that society plays has had a great impact on what is considered beautiful. Although physical beauty is unquestionably important in the minds of today’s society, more people are willing to embrace it in many different forms. Today’s â€Å"Pretty Woman†is gradually stepping away from the mannequins with sex appeal and glamorous movie legends that are shown worldwide. Today’s beauty represents a new breed. Though the criterion of what is considered beautiful has come a long way some still feel that the standards of beauty remain subjective. Because of this, no one person’s perception of beauty is considered superior or inferior, right or wrong. However, as long as society’s standards continue to play a significant part in American culture society will always have a great impact on what one deems as beautiful. Works Cited Biocca, Frank A., and Philip N. Meyers Jr. â€Å"Journal of Communication.†The Elastic Body Image: The Effect of Television Advertising and Programming on Body Image Distortions in Young Women 42.3 (1992): 108-33. Print. Ford, Paul. â€Å"Beauty in Different Cultures.†N.p., 22 July 2009. Web. 16 Apr. 2012. . Milkie, Melissa A. â€Å"Social Comparisons, Reflected Appraisals, and Mass Media: The Impact of Pervasive Beauty Images on Black and White Girls’ Self-Concepts.†Social Psychology Quarterly 62.2 (1999): 190-210. Print. Wood, Louise. â€Å"Perceptions Of Female Beauty In The 20th Century.†Home Page. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Apr. 2012. .
Sunday, January 5, 2020
The s Vow A Story About A Young Polish Woman Who Saved...
Irena’s Vow is a story about a young Polish woman who saved thirteen Jewish refugees during World War II from the German Nazis who invaded Poland. As the audience walked into Wright Curtis Theatre at Kent State University on October 14, 2016 for opening night of Irena’s vow, they got to witness an unusual sight. There were two young gentlemen waiting upon the stage for the show to begin. As they leered over the incoming audience and the set design, people began to take their seats. The large worn wooden crates on the stage looked to be haphazardly placed, which created a surreal environment. As the play began, Jess Tanner, who played Irena Gut Opdyke, was incredibly captivating with her charm and wit. She told the audience that she was once their age, not an old lady like she was now. She was once a young 19-year old and she took into her protection twelve Jews, which turned to thirteen later in the play as they voted to take in Henry Weinbaum. Towards the tail end of t he play Ida Hallar and Lazar Hallar, two of the Jews, had a baby boy. They named him Roman. Using Wright-Curtis Theatre, which is a stage ‘in the round’, was an innovative decision. To place an incredibly emotional play in a small theatre where everyone can easily see others reactions, made it easy to gauge how others are responding to a scene. There were definitely disadvantages to having it in an arena style theater, there were many times where the actors would have to freeze on stage. The actors would have
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