Saturday, December 28, 2019
How Organic Food Is Better Than Buying And Eating The Non...
Introduction In today’s world, there is a lot of emphasis on the kind of food that we consume in daily routine. One such issue claims that eating organic food is much better than buying and eating the non – organic food (D. Mosbergen July 2014). Certain studies point to the fact that the organic food that is available in almost every market is the best healthy option available whereas others say that it is no good but a tactical business strategy for increasing the sales of products labelled as â€Å"Organic†. While surfing through the internet and also while reading newspapers, one can see the influence these USDA approved label food item have on the general public. It has been in the controversy for a long time about labelling a certain food item as organic. But, what really is organic. Some people are misinformed about the organic food being the food that is resistant in a certain protein (for example, Gluten – free) or some other component of food (For example, B – fatty acids, low – fat). But as per the USDA guidelines, foods are â€Å"organic†if they â€Å"integrate cultural, biological, and mechanical practices that foster cycling of resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity†(Wikipedia). As one can make out from the definition, Organic food refers to avoidance in the use of synthetic chemicals such as fertilizers, pesticides; avoidance of much controversial genetically modified crops; usage of farmland that is prohibited f rom the chemically synthesizedShow MoreRelatedOrganic Foods Products And Non Organic Products1188 Words  | 5 PagesOrganic products and non-organic products have been a subject of interest for me for a reasonable amount of time because I have often questioned whether there really was a difference between the two types of products chemically. To begin, labeling something as organic you have to very precise and it is determined by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The regulations set are extremely specific and it is relatively difficult to meet the standards. The pesticides must be natural, andRead MoreThe Organic Food Industry Has Gained A Great Deal Of Customers1141 Words  | 5 PagesThe organic food industry has gained a great deal of customers over the past few years. Consumers commonly follow popular word of mouth marketing and the organic food industry has established a name for itself. Claiming to be better for overall health and wellness, the indust ry has made more people want to incorporate a variety of organic foods into their diets. Though claims may hold valuable truth, do organic groceries truly benefit people more than the conventional foods that many have grown upRead MoreAdvantage Of Organic Food776 Words  | 4 Pagesconsuming organic food, far outweigh the important matters. Organic food precedes a healthful life, in the long term it works in favor of a persons health in general. It also creates more jobs by producing organic food. Animals are organically fed and live in a more acceptable habitat. In recent studies, researchers found that with the significance of living a healthy lifestyle being profusely clear, healthy food alternatives are actually within the public attention. The high demand for organic foodRead MoreThe Use Of Pesticides And Growth Hormone1530 Words  | 7 Pagesworld’s population continuing to increase, the demand for food is higher than ever. A growing population means more demand on food. â€Å"The world population will rise to 9.3 billion in 2050 and surpass 10 billion by the end of this century.†(Sanyal) This should say something about our growing population that is still continuing to grow to this day. This increase in food demand also calls for more efficient ways of growing and providing food without causing any damage to our environment or our healthRead MoreThe Basic Economics of Organic versus Non-Organic Foods 666 Words  | 3 Pagesarea that has a fairly wide array of organic foods. There is a healthy mix of large supermar kets and small, independent grocers that sell organic foods. Using the Mayo Clinic as a reference, I have developed the following opinion on organic foods that takes into account the financial aspects as well as the health ramifications of eating or not eating organic foods. The basic economics of Organic versus Non-Organic foods are as follows: Non-Organic These foods are grown using fertilizers, herbicidesRead MoreThe American Diet1026 Words  | 5 Pagesentitled â€Å"11 Facts about American Eating Habits,†addresses the state of food in the U.S by stating, â€Å"Healthiness of the food we eat decreases by 1.7 percent for every hour that passes in the day.†Experts and scientists in the U.S has raised questions about regarding the different ways food is now being produced. While individuals are usually not aware of the ingredients that food contains, many people continue to have unhealthy eating habits. In the past few decades, food production has included numerousRead MoreWhat Are We Really Eating?1143 Words  | 5 PagesAre We Really Eating? Everything that we eat has some form of an unnatural chemical in the product. As of late I have been considering only eating organic foods because not only is it healthier, but it is safer. In this term paper I am going to examine a few aspects of organic food. First I will examine what is organic food and what makes it organic? How does the prices of organic food compare to inorganic foods? And why we should eat organic foods rather than inorganic foods? I just want toRead MoreThe Consumption Of Organic Products989 Words  | 4 Pagesof Internal Medicine, it has been proven that the consumption of organic products has the same nutritional values as conventional products. Although quality nutrition is not a factor in the cost for organic products, the real cost is stemmed from the neglect of pesticide in the product. Ultimately organic products are raised in a superior environment unlike conventional products which are raised in cost effective methods. Non-organic products mature in ghastly conditions. Products purchased by a futureRead MoreGenetically Modified Organisms And Organic Organisms Essay1578 Words  | 7 Pages the reader will see how organic and genetically modified organisms are viewed and interpreted. They will see the â€Å"facts†about the genetically modified organisms and organic organism, and how producers and consumers view this. The reader will be able to understand what is actually happening to genetically modified organisms and organic organisms during the production and when it is getting processed. They will also learn about certified organic and the USDA organic and how each one is determinedRead MoreA Debate Between Organic Foods And Non Organic Food1689 Words  | 7 Pagesmore things. Technology is getting better and better day by day for humans need and survivenment, but one thing is that human will never be able survive without food. Food comes from farms and animals. There are many ways for farming like organic far ming, conventional farming, commercial farming, multi-crop farming, factory farming and many more other technique of it. Farming has a significant role in toady’s economy. All people should know what they are eating and they have right to know for their
Friday, December 20, 2019
Examine the Strategic Importance of Supply Chain...
1.0 Introduction 2.0 Principle of SCM SCM is the management of a network of interconnected businesses (such as distributors, wholesalers and retailers) involved in the ultimate provision of product and service packages required by end customers. It spans all movement and storage of raw materials, work-in-process inventory, and finished goods from point of origin to point of consumption (supply chain). Principles of SCM are: - Internal integration of purchasing and supply, manufacturing and physical distribution management - External integration with suppliers (and their suppliers) and customers (and their customers) 3.0 Its Strategic Importance We can see SCM’s development from the internal focus and conflicts of†¦show more content†¦Along with the recognition that the sure way to success in business is to offer good quality products, the immediate price benefits of multi-supply relationships have been challenged by the development of long-term contracts which include price reductions. There have been a range of relationships within these single-supply approaches aiming for greater integration. The sole supplier – multi-layered approach As firms have explored the efficiency of their manufacturing operations and started moving away from optimising inside their own organisation and outwards to considering the chain as a whole, their supply chains have become leaner. The nature of supply relationships has seen a shift towards long-term partnerships. Many japans business innovated by adapting the sole-supply but multi-layered relationships. Example can be made reference to Toyota who adopts this hybrid style of relationship. The approach has many of the advantages of the single-supply, single-layer approach as well as some of the benefits of multi-supply. In multi-layered relationships, the OEM firm has a long-term relationship with one supplier which generates stability, quality and mutual development. However, the supplier is not highly vertically integrated. So instead of carrying out all the activities needed to produce the supplied parts, the supplier relies on a number of smaller sub-contractors. This relationship gives the benefitsShow MoreRelatedProduct Process Matrix3847 Words  | 16 Pagesevident in a single manufacturing facility environment. The product-process matrix has been empirically tested, but improvements in operations flexibility by applying advanced technologies have caused many to question the models continued validity. In recent years, the environment has changed significantly, with manufacturing companies offering more product customization as they gain process flexibility. In addition, the model as originally developed, does not incorporate the supply chain perspective.Read MoreTrends in Procurement Scm49 17 Words  | 20 PagesPROCURENENT AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT 1. 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What is a logistic strategy? 3. Why implement a logistics strategy? 4. What is involved in developing a logistics strategy? 5. What is involved in developing a logistics strategy? 5.1 Strategic 5.2 Structural 5.3 Functional 5.4 Implementation 6. Components to examine when developing a logistics strategy 1. Transportation 6.2 Outsourcing 6.3 Logistics systems 6.4 Competitors 6.5 Information 6.6 Strategy review Read MoreStrategic Sourcing5376 Words  | 22 Pageslogistical chain that must be in place to bring this pro-typical chocolate to you. It may not be immediately apparent to the Cadbury buyer that the ingredients have travelled from other parts of the world. [pic] Figure 1. A complex and diverse supply chain of Cadbury Chocolate Bars The processes involved in making Cadbury Dairy Fruit Nut, at the factory in Bournville in the United Kingdom, give a good illustration of how strategic sourcing is applied in Cadbury supply chain. 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Table of Contents 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF APPLE AND NOKIA CASE 2 2.0 QUESTION 1 3 2.1 Competitive analysis of Apple and Nokia – who is stronger? 3 2.1.1 Competitive Analysis 3 SWOT Analysis 5 1.1.1 Strengths of Apple 6 Value Chain Analysis 9 Resourced Base View Tool 11 3.0 QUESTION 2 14 3.1 PESTEL analysis tool 15 3.2 Porter’sRead MorePROC 5000 Midterm Prep Essay8984 Words  | 36 Pagesï » ¿ Centralized and decentralized purchasing (Page 34, 35, 36) Purchasing and Supply Management used in the public sector and the private sector (notes) Maintenance of buyer-supplier relationships (Page 65, 67, 68, 77 79) Purchasing and Supply Management processes (2, 6, 28, 61) Buyer-supplier relationships 65, 67, 68, 77, 79) Total Quality Management (TQM) (146, 147, 148 Continuous Improvement (CI) (145, 69, 84, 86, 134, 146, 148, 149) Quality Assurance ( In notes, Page 40, 160) Quality Control
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Nuclear Power Persuasive Essay Example For Students
Nuclear Power Persuasive Essay Most of the worlds electricity is generated by either thermal or hydroelectric power plants. Thermal power plants use fuel to boil waterwhich makes steam. The steam turns turbines that generate electricity. Hydroelectric power plants use the great force of rushing water from a dam or a waterfall to turn the turbines.The majority of thermal power plants burn fossil fuels because thermal power plants are cheaper to maintain and have to meet less of the governments requirements compared to nuclear power plants. Fossil fuels are coal and oil. The downfall of using fossil fuels is that they are limited. Fossil fuels are developed from the remains of plants and animals that died millions of years ago. Burning fossil fuels has other downfalls, too. All the burning that is required to turn the turbines releases much sulfur, nitrogen gases, and other pollutants into the atmosphere.The cleanest, cheapest, and least polluting power plant of the two types is the hydroelectric power plant. The main reason most countries use thermal versus the hydroelectric is because their countries dont have enough concentrated water to create enough energy to generate electricity.Nuclear power plants generate only about eleven percent of the worlds electricity. There are around 316 nuclear power plants in the world that create 213,000 megawatts of electricity. (INFOPEDIA) Radioactive, or nuclear, waste is the by-product of nuclear fission. Fission occurs when atoms nucleus split and cause a nuclear reaction. When a free neutron splits a nucleus, energy isreleased along with free neutrons, fission fragments that give off beta rays, and gamma rays. A free neutron from the nucleus that just split splits another nucleus. This process continues on and is called a chain reaction. The fission process is used to create heat, which boils water inside the nuclear reactor. The steam that boiling the water makes is used to turn turbines, which in turn, generate electricity. Fission happens inside a carefully monitored nuclear reactor, when being used in a nuclear power plant. The fission process that nuclear power plants use spends approximately 30,000 tons of highly radioactive waste a year.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Nursing Care for Midwifery Board of Australia -myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theNursing Care for Midwifery Board of Australia. Answer: Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) The main function of the NMBA is to conduct proper registration process of the nurses and midwifery practitioners. They are the sole body who develops nursing standards, guidelines and codes of conducts for nursing and midwifery profession. The code of professional conduct for nurses in Australia as defined by NMBA furnishes 10 different standards, which the nurses need to abide by while working as registered nurses in a healthcare institution. They also frame code of ethics for nurses in Australia. There are 8 different codes, which instruct the nurse to practise in an ethically competent manner. They also handle notifications, complaints, carry out investigation and disciplinary hearings in the domain of nursing and nursing profession related to healthcare. They also assess the overseas trained practitioners who are interested in practising in Australian states. NMBA also holds rights to approve the accreditation standards and courses of study under the nursing profession. NMBA has also established state and territory boards in order to support the work of the National Board under the national scheme. Here the National Board will frame policies and nursing professional standards and on the other hand, the state territory boards will continue their work to make separate notifications and other registration decisions, which will affect the individual nurses and midwives. The function carried by NMBA is supported by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA), which also looks after the legislation governing the nursing profession (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia - Home, 2017). Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) ANMF is a special union that serves registered nurses, midwives and enrolled nurses along with the assistants in the nursing who are serving nursing profession or as nurse assistant in the sates or the territories legislated under Australia. It is the largest union in Australia with more than 249,000 members. There are 8 different branches of ANMF throughout Australia. The federal bodies of ANMF co-ordinates the function of the branches in accordance to the national issues which are relevant in the field of nursing profession. The rules framed by ANMF are directed towards the organisation, membership, government, officers of the federation, finance, industrial and legal matters and election of the federal officers. The rules are mostly directly towards the promotion and protection of the interest of the members of the ANMF. It also aims in improving the statutory and industrial rights of the nursing profession for the betterment of the members. These rights included reform in employm ent condition, high standard nursing practise along with professional advancement in nursing domain (Thomas Butler, 2017). Registration standard Continuous Professional Development This registration standards frame the minimum requirement that is important for the continuing professional development (CPD) among the midwives and the enrolled and registered nurses. This registration standard is helpful for me because, when I am serving as a nursing practitioner and holding an endorsement for scheduled medicines, the as per the rule, I need to complete certain CPD requirements. There CPD requirement will help to increase my horizon of knowledge regarding prescribing medicines, administration of medicines followed by diagnostic investigations, proper consultation and referral. (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia - Continuing professional development, 2017) Criminal History The registration standards in the domain of the criminal history in nursing care is aimed in deciding whether the criminal history of a health care professional is relevant with their professional life, or their tenure of practice under the health care service. As per the registration standards in criminal history, one needs to judge the nature and gravity of the offence committed by the health care personnel and its relation with the health care practice before claiming his or her as guilty. It also helps in determining whether a health care professionals history is related to criminal offense is properly documented. I will relate these standards in my future practice via applying these rules in accessing the severity of the guilt committed by the healthcare practitioner (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia - Criminal history, 2017). English Language According to NMBA, all the applicants during their initial registration are need to demonstrate their English language skill and need to prove them to be suitable for the registration. In order to attain success in the field of nursing career, I will attend and then successfully complete a minimum six years of secondary and primary language education in English. I will also make sure that my qualification and English skills are relevant with my professional discipline in nursing. Shaping up my soft skills in English language will help me to excel in my communication skills, one of the important soft skills in the field of nursing profession (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia - English language skills, 2017). Professional Indemnity This registration standard sets out minimal requirement in the field of professional indemnity insurance (PII) arrangements in nursing profession. It encompasses registered nurses, enrolled nurses and midwives. Under this registration standard, I will make sure that when I will practice as a midwife or a nurse, I will be covered under any third party PII arrangements that suffice all the locations where I am aiming to practice, either it is private or government or s full time or part-time. I will also ensure that my OII cover includes a civil liability, automatic reinstatement and other retroactive cover. I will also ensure that I will not practice healthcare profession unless and until my PII arrangements are amended in relation to the healthcare profession (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia - Professional indemnity insurance arrangements, 2017). Recency of Practice It sets out minimal requirement for the recency of practice under the banner of the nursing profession. I will ensure that I have successfully completed my post graduation degree in nursing and have a valid registration from well recognised nursing regulatory authority before venturing into the professional nursing career (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia - Recency of practice", 2017). Enrolled Nurse Standards for Practice This legislation has been framed for the requirement of the endorsement as a nursing practitioner under the section of 95 Health Practitioner Regulation National Law. Under this registration, I will ensure that I am capable of demonstrating three-years of full time experience with a successful completion of an NMBA approved course, leading towards the program of endorsement along with proper compliance with the NMBAs nursing practise standards (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia - Endorsement as a nurse practitioner, 2017). I will strictly obey the standards because if I do not meet the standards, NMBA will refuse my registration or endorsement. A fine bore nasogastric tube is defined as a narrow tube that is passed into the stomach through the nasal cavities. It helps to support the nutritional needs of the patients who are unable to maintain their normal nutritional value via oral intake of food. Immediate Actions According to the Code of Professional Conduct for Nurses in Australia, nurses must practise in a safe and competent manner and in accordance with the standards of the profession and the broader health care system. So when I was asked to replace and insert nasogastric tube, about which I am not aware off, I took help from my senior registered nurse and then under her guidance I performed the task of nasogastric tube insertion (Fine Bore Nasogastric Feeding Tubes for Adult Policy, 2017). Identified Learning Needs The specific skills and knowledge those are required while the insertion of nasogastric tube includes: observation of patients condition before and after the insertion of the nasogastric tube. Here the observation includes proper documentation of the temperature, blood pressure, pulse, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation. After the insertion of the nasogastric tube, the position of the tube must be confirmed radiologically and the pH must be adequate that is or equal to 5. Moreover, if the patient is known to be suffering from the oesophageal varices or severe coagulopathy then I will recommend the insertion of the nasogastric tube under the presence of the experts of the radiology unit. For the patients who are suffering from dry mouth, I will always moisten the mouth with the help of a moist cotton bud prior insertion of the tube. In spite of taking preventive measures, the procedure of nasogastric tube can turn out to extremely uncomfortable for the patients. I will consider pres cribing small amount of Lidnocaine gel inside the nostril or spray the same medication on the back side of the throat to reduce the rate of discomfort. However, before using Lindocaine gel, I will cross-verify whether the patient has any reported cases of allergy with the Lidonocaine gel (Fine Bore Nasogastric Feeding Tubes for Adult Policy, 2017). During my course of work as Graduate Enrolled Nurse in acute medical ward, I learnt the standard process of nasogastric tube insertion based on the guidelines of NSW, Ministry of Health Australia. The patient must be postured in an upright position with optimal head/neck alignment in order to assist insertion. Then the nostrils need to be checked in order to detect any deformity in it and to determine best side for the insertion. Then proper measurement needs to be done from the tip of the nose to the earlobe and xiphisternum, the measurements must be done in cm and must be simultaneously marked in the tube. After measurements, the tube must be lubricated and then passed via nostrils and then the positioning is checked via radiograpy. If the patient is found coughing or experiencing breathing problem then the entire setup needs to be uninstalled. However, absence of coughing does not necessarily rules out the condition of misplacement of the tube (Fine Bore Nasogastric Feeding Tubes for Adult Policy, 2017).. I learnt that incorrect insertion of the nasogastric tube can lead to trauma in the surrounding areas along with occurrence of pneumothorax in extreme cases. Other threats include aspiration associated with the process of tube dislodgement and appearance of condition like pneumonitis when the nasogastric feeds get deposited into the pulmonary cavities. At times, misplacement of tubes can occur, mainly inside the lungs and is common in patients with cribriform plate disruption, intracranial insertion (Fine Bore Nasogastric Feeding Tubes for Adult Policy, 2017). Future plans During my future course of work with nasogastric tube, I will keep in mind that the patients who are critically ill are at an increased risk of getting affected with the nasogastric tube complications for example the patients who are suffering from neurological deficits. Moreover, I will also try to remain alert while inserting fine bore nasogastric tube into a patient with low or zero reflexes, as fractional negligence in this ground can cause accidental insertion of the tubes into other adjoining anatomical structures. I will also exercise caution while inserting nasogastric tube in patients with impaired blood clotting and are on anticoagulant medication. The same measure of caution goes with the patients who are suffering from tracheostomy because there is always lays a risk factor of inadvertent tracheal intubation. Last but not the least, a fine bore nasogastric tube may lead to leakage of the gastric contents from the stomach causing fatal oesophageal erosions with patients wh o are diagnosed with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD). So before insertion, I will cross-check the nasogastric tube properly and will also refrigerate the nasogastric tube before insertion (Fine Bore Nasogastric Feeding Tubes for Adult Policy, 2017). I will also recheck nasogastric tube position after the initial insertion, before administration of food or medication in order to side-pass unwanted complications. References Fine Bore Nasogastric Feeding Tubes for Adult Policy. (2017) (pp. 1 to 8). Australia. Retrieved from Lee Thomas, A., Annie Butler, A. (2017). Australian Nursing Midwifery Federation. Retrieved 31 October 2017, from Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia - Continuing professional development. (2017) Retrieved 31 October 2017, from Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia - Criminal history. (2017) Retrieved 31 October 2017, from Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia - Endorsement as a nurse practitioner. (2017) Retrieved 31 October 2017, from Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia - English language skills. (2017) Retrieved 31 October 2017, from Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia - Home. (2017). Retrieved 31 October 2017, from Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia - Professional indemnity insurance arrangements. (2017) Retrieved 31 October 2017, from Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia - Recency of practice. (2017) Retrieved 31 October 2017, from
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